🔥ERC 404(8)

Hybrid Token Standard for Fractionalizing and Liquifying NFTs

Ether Rock is a collection of 100 rocks bound to the first tokens built on ERC404, an experimental token standard enabling persistent liquidity and semi-fungibility for Ethereum NFTs.

Yes. The second MFT (Meme Fungible Token) Inspired by NPC.

These pixel penguins were a rugged Solana collection ditched by founders months after minting. Get $RUG to rescue them! 🐧

Pandora is the first ERC404, an experimental mixed ERC20 / ERC721 implementation with native liquidity and fractionalization for non-fungible tokens. For each token held, addresses receive one replicant from the corresponding NFT collection. This innovation enables persistent liquidity and semi-fungibility for all assets within the collection.

Welcome to our dedicated page for Crypto ERC 404 tools and websites – a one-stop knowledge hub that aggregates vital information and resources related to Crypto ERC 404.

Why do people need Crypto ERC 404 aggregators?

Given the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, it's crucial for anyone dealing with ERC standards to have easy and quick access to all the important tools and websites related to their specific token standard. Our Crypto ERC 404 aggregator serves precisely this purpose. It's a massive time-saver ideal for people who don't want to sort through tons of information on their own.

What is Crypto ERC 404?

Crypto ERC 404 is a specific type of token standard on the Ethereum blockchain. This standard is related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) – unique tokens with their own specific value. Unlike fungible tokens like the widely recognized ERC 20, each ERC 404 token is unique to itself, thus paving the way for modern-day digital asset ownership.

Features of Crypto ERC 404

  • Uniqueness: Each ERC 404 token is distinctive, with a value specific to itself.
  • Interchangeability: ERC 404 tokens can be exchanged seamlessly on the Ethereum network.
  • Immutable ownership rights: Once an ERC 404 token is purchased or acquired, the owner has undisputed control and ownership over it.
  • Enabling digital asset ownership: ERC 404 has made it possible to own unique digital assets, opening up a new world of opportunities within the digital space.

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